
Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Dispel Strategy Working Pressure

Dispel strategy working pressure. There have been many studies that have found that too much pressure on yourself can be risky on health care. Works sometimes feels very tiring. Moreover, with various pressures, such as pressure from employers, business partners, and deadline pressure. The work was finally able to make his head dizzy, and even can create stress.

There have been many studies that have found that too much pressure on yourself can be risky to health. A study conducted the University of Helsinki found that high workload with unequal reward system potentially doubles the risk of death from heart disease.
Therefore, in the various pressures that exist, we must have a strategy to survive for themselves. Try some self-care strategies for you to be better.

Learn to say "no"
We do not have to always say "yes" to all requests. Belajalah to say "no." When you fill the dish too much, it could make him crack. Give yourself a little space. Let the demand of people down because you want them.

Read your favorite book
According to a study by the University of Sussex, by reading just over six minutes can reduce stress levels by 68 percent. It is believed to help you release tension in muscles and mind.

Dedicate one night a week for yourself
Plan a night out of seven nights there is to enjoy the hobby. If you think there is no time, think again! A survey conducted in America shows that we've got five hours of free time each weekday. Use that time to indulge yourself.

Congratulate yourself
Celebrate gained promotion with something to make yourself feel better. No need for expensive, but it must be for you. This can be done by buying a bouquet for yourself. Put the flowers in the house and will always be a reminder of its own success.

Create a thank you letter for yourself
If you're having tough times, write down everything you love about yourself in the form of a thank you. Create a letter and addressed to yourself. This was done to recognize the power of self. By doing this, you will show thanks for themselves with the introduction of self-action.

Have a day off to do whatever you want
This could transactions are carried out on a birthday. Have a day off to do whatever you want. Be sure to spend your time and no longer to meet the needs of others, but for yourself. Giving yourself the gift of time is one of the greatest gifts.

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