
Senin, 21 Februari 2011

situs candi yang terlupakan

Situs candi yang terlupakan. Tidak semata tumpukan batu yang terlupakan lebih dari 1000 tahun yang lalu. Candi-candi itu menyampaikan keluhuran makna, dan juga mempersembahkan nilai sejarah yang tak ternilai harganya, candi merupakan peninggalan sejarah, pengetahuan tentang semua kejadian dan perbuatan manusia pada jaman lampau. Semua benda dan tradisi yang ditinggalkan oleh manusia pada masa lampau disebut adalah peninggalan sejarah yang tak ternilai harganya, berikut ini adalah daftar candi yang bersejarah tersebut.

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Profesi Berbahaya untuk Paru-paru

Penyakit paru-paru adalah salah satu masalah kesehatan yang banyak terjadi di perkotaan. Polusi serta kurangnya RTH (ruang terbuka hijau) bagi taman dan pepohonan membuat banyak orang yang tinggal di kota seringkali mengalami gangguan pernapasan. Bahan-bahan berbahaya di tempat kerja yang terhirup dalam waktu lama secara teratur, atau dalam jumlah tertentu dapat menimbulkan penyakit paru. Besar kecilnya dampak yang timbul tergantung pada jumlah dan lamanya paparan. Bahkan ada profesi tertentu yang sangat rentan mengalami gangguan paru-paru. Berikut beberapa profesi yang berbahaya bagi paru-paru.

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Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

sayangi jantung anda

Sayangi jantung anda (dear to your heart) Organ pemompa darah ini memang jarang diperhatikan jika tidak terasa sakit. Gejala yang sebenarnya sudah dirasakan, kadang-kadang diabaikan, Jantung merupakan organ yang sangat penting bagi manusia, karena jantung diperlukan untuk memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh sehingga tubuh mendapatkan oksigen dan sari makanan yang diperlukan untuk metabolisme tubuh. Wawasan mengenai kesehatan jantung penting diketahui. Misalnya, risiko apa saja yang memungkinkan orang menderita penyakit jantung. Mengenai hal ini, terdapat bebarapa faktor risiko, yaitu genetik, kolesterol, tekanan darah tinggi, kegemukan, kencing manis, kurang aktivitas fisik, dan merokok.
Lalu, langkah apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk melindungi jantung?

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Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

What is the duration of Ideal Children Sleep Day

What is the duration of Ideal Children Sleep Day. Children who can not be enough time to sleep, their immune systems could be disrupted.

Never underestimate the benefits of sleep. Children who are not getting enough sleep, they may have difficulties in concentrating while studying at school, impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, and even the immune system disrupted.

It said Dr Brian McGinley, assistant professor of pulmonary medicine at the Pediatric Sleep Disorders Clinic at Johns Hopkins Children's Center, quoted from AOLHealth.

How long it takes to bed for children, the following general guidelines that you can consider.

Newborn babies (ages 1 to 8 weeks)
Newborns can sleep anytime. Usually during the 10.5 to 18 hours a day. But, this only temporarily. Infant biological rhythms has not been fixed, so tend not to follow the pattern of sleep.

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Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Dispel Strategy Working Pressure

Dispel strategy working pressure. There have been many studies that have found that too much pressure on yourself can be risky on health care. Works sometimes feels very tiring. Moreover, with various pressures, such as pressure from employers, business partners, and deadline pressure. The work was finally able to make his head dizzy, and even can create stress.

There have been many studies that have found that too much pressure on yourself can be risky to health. A study conducted the University of Helsinki found that high workload with unequal reward system potentially doubles the risk of death from heart disease.

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How to treat dehydration

The sign of the body is dehydrated is the presence of excessive thirst. This sort of thing, do not be ignored.

Moreover, floating feeling, dizziness, and fatigue come together. This can be dangerous if not addressed immediately.

Dehydration can also be detected with a rapid heartbeat. In addition, a dry mouth and lips can also be a sign. Another sign of dehydration can be seen also during urination. Small volume of water that is too small, smelly and dark colored urine indicates the body is less water. Normally, urine is yellow.

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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Learning to Love Work

Learning to Love Work. Some colleagues claim to really love a career that is they live. However, many also feel very depressed with their job. Which is often used as an excuse is a matter of salary that is too small. Not comparable with that much wasted time, energy drained. Could also be due to the absence of health insurance, or the arrogant attitude of the boss.
If you feel uncomfortable with the work, make a change immediately for what you do not futile. Learning to love the job that you live is one option. Try the following tips from Divine Caroline.

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